PSQL 10 postgres user forgot password reset

I would like to know, how to reset forgot password for PSQL 10. I can’t connect with server.
Kindly help.

Welches Betriebssystem verwendest Du?


Windows 10 is using

Edit pg_hba.conf with a plain text editor (e.g. Notepad++)

Add this line before the other rules:

host    all             all             samehost                trust

Restart the Windows Postgres service

run psql in a console window (cmd.exe)

psql -U postgres -h localhost

Then in the psql prompt change the password:

postgres=# alter user postgres password 'verysecretnewpassword';

After that, remove the line from pg_hba.conf and restart the Windows service.

And for the next question: this is a German speaking forum, so please write in German.

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